Sunday, June 14, 2009

Elder Jeff Kohler!

My very best friend all growing up and all through out junior high and high school is serving a mission in Alaska right now. Well today I got an e-mail from Jeff telling me that he has been very sick. The past year he has always had really bad head aches and migrains but now they are getting worse. Every morning he wakes up with a really bad migrain and all through out the day he has a head ache and then again at night he has a migrain. Jeff has been going to a hospital in Alaska where a group of doctors have been checking him out. They have discovered that he has a hole in his heart and a bad infection that is trying to get to his brain. They believe there is more going on and are still checking him out. He goes back in to them this week to see if the medication they have put him on will help him but he says it hasn't helped a bit so far. They told him that if it hasn't helped they would have to admit him to a specialty hospital up there while they did tests on him. They told him that it would be for approximately 2 weeks. And in that case Jeff would be sent home off of his mission. I am praying for him like crazy! It makes me sick to think that something could be so seriously wrong with Jeff. In high school Jeff was our all star baseball player. He was a friend to everyone! Every time my car broke down weather it was the battery dying or a flat tire which happened a number of times... Jeff was always the first one there. He was a steady act of kindness! I hope that he knows how much I love him and how much I care about him. He is the best friend anyone can ask for! But despite all of this Jeff is keeping a great attitude and talks about how much he loves his mission and the Lord! He tells me that it is the best! He doesn't want to come home! He wants them to be able to take care of it there so that he can stay!

I am so proud of you Jeff! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Keep up the great attitude!