Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Coltons Football game 20-0 Wasatch WON!

While he my be my little brother, he is also my best friend.

There are so many ways that I look up to my little brother. He is so strong! Not only in football but in pretty much every aspect. He has such a strong testimony and is always setting such a great example for everyone around him. :) He is constantly setting a good example for me. I learn so much from him! He is so mature and responsible! I love him to death! I am so proud of him. He also has girls all over him :/ not so good. I look at Colton and think, wow! you are such a stud! But when there are a million little girls his age and a grade or two older that think the same thing... I am not so sure that I am ok with that. While I worry about him losing focus... I dont know why I do because he never does. He is so focused on everything he should be! I am so proud of him! He is so funny too because while I think I am so protective of him... I think that people I date have to worry much more about my little brother then they do my dad! haha! Colton not only is protective of me but he competes for my attention like NONE other! lol It is comical and cute! This picture is us after his game yesterday. They played Union. Wasatch won 20-0! Wahoo!!! Colton played the ENTIRE game!
JD, Sweat, Colton, and I after their game! They played so good!
Congrats guys!