Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So yesterday my cousin Cierra did my hair and I went over to Ashlee's (a.k.a my adopted sister) work afterwards to show her. I sat there with her until she got off then we went to my house and my little cousin Jadyn was there. Grandma made us a yummy dinner. We were having so much fun! We always laugh soo hard together. Well we made sugar cookies and got each other so messy! Well mean while Jadyn was calling us names because lets face it... Ash and I are the biggest idiots together. Although we are the funniest idiots you will ever meet! haha But Ash sent me the above image! I was laughing so hard because this will totally be us when we get old. My cousin Jessica and I use to joke about it. I use to work at a nursing home so all the crazy things that our crazy old ladies use to do... we would joke that someday we would do! I thought this was the funniest thing ever.
Sunday night before ward prayer and after my scripture study I went to my friend Colby Lambs house and he made us homemade hot chocolate. It was so yummy! haha
This is my cousin Cierra and Gentry. (We're not actually "blood" cousins but our families are married into eachother and we claim each other so yes... we're cousins!) Cierra is the only person in this world I will ever trust and allow to do my hair. She is amazing and the funniest thing ever! Their whole family is! Gentry I set up on a date a while ago with Brandon's little brother Cam and they had a ton of fun. Well Cierra is 25 and sooo freaking cute! I love her to death! She is the funnest. So I decided that I needed to set her up with my really fun single friend Josh...
This is Josh... Josh is 29 and single. Josh is also a lot of fun and very attractive. So ... yesterday while Cierra was doing my hair, they came to my mind. They would have a lot of fun together and they are both pretty close in age. They exchanged numbers and have been talking and exchanged pics... so we will see when they go out. I hope they hit it off!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Benefit Concert Tonight, All money goes to children in Peru!

Tonight my friend Cory Beighley and his band are playing a benefit concert at UVU's center stage. It is at 8pm and will cost $5 at the door. All of the money goes to children in Peru. I have never heard their band play all together but I have heard Cory and he is amazing. You can make it your family night activity and bring the whole family. I can promise that it will be worth it and it is all for a great cause.
Your $5 can help put clothing on a childs back or feed them.

I don't know about you but these little faces are all I need. Your $5 will help put a smile on the little ones faces.