Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Me & Kylie

So me and my cousin Kylie/Best Friend decided we have 9 weeks to work our butts off to get in bathing suit shape! This winter was a long winter and all either of us did was work and ride the snow mobiles. It is now time to get back in shape. I didn't think I had lost so much strength until Steve had me do a male push... I got down and couldn't get back up haha! It was horrible! I could not believe it! I use to have the strongest arms. So I called Kylie and she came over to my house. We Walked/Jogged the trail that goes around the town houses I live in, the baseball park, golf course, and The Quarry where Wal-Mart, Lowes, and all those restaurants are. It is all almost up or down hill, not really flat. After we came back to the house and while Matt and Steve were gone to a friends house for dinner and a party, we busted a**! We did a whole ab work out, tons of leg lifts, lunges, push ups, squats and LOTS of other good leg work outs. Our work out lasted 3 hours. It was intense and way fun! Me and Ky had each other laughing the whole time. This morning we both woke up for work feeling a lot skinnier and toner haha but then we looked in the mirror... not a change! haha So today we will repeat our work out and plan to do it 5 days a week for the next 9 weeks and keep on our 1200 calorie diet! Or at least do our best! haha! Our work out kicked our butt. I feel like a freshman starting drill team again! haha! I'm going to have to go home and do some good stretching before our work out today!

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